"Fashion Finds" a new page on POSE

"Fashion finds" was born when me and my good friends Sam decided to take a walk to the mall nearby where we live and go through every clothing store the is whether expensive or cheap. Of-course we were looking for bargains and bargains we got. The following department stores have been looked down under by most people and I will admit that I was one of those people until that day. Ackermans, Fashion Express, Legit and Jet have been our inspiration lately, not that we cannot afford more expensive stores but why the need of buying something expensive when you only going to wear it once when you can get something trendy and cheap and for a fact you will be wearing it most of the time. Okay, the following statement could be a debate but if you get something cheap and trendy, why not buy 2 of them and keep one for later. This is what we decided from there on we are going to pursue and we have been managing it frequently I must add. So here is what will be the new edition to the blog, Fashion Finds, as a page so that you can get inspired too. Like seriously, take a look at the below Items I have found and honestly tell me if this does not make sense. Think about it and tell me what you think.

 The above jersey costs R129.99 and military inspired jacket costs R299.99 both from JET stores.

I am in-love with these monochrome pants from Ackermans and only cost R99.95

The above trench-parker inspired jacket is also from JET and costs R189.9

and then below is the TOYA DELAZY collection from LEGIT.


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